Alcohol and Older Adults

– Brian Coon, MA, LCAS, CCS, MAC, Director of Clinical Programs Given the continued advancement of the Baby Boomer generation into later adulthood, it is interesting to consider how safe drinking and risky drinking levels are defined for older adults. Drinking guidelines for older adults (age 65 or over) who are healthy and do not … Continued

Wisest Person in the Room…

– Michael, Pavillon Alumni “The wisest person in the room at any given time just might be the one who has made the most mistakes.” ~Anonymous What a positive–and finally liberating–way to view our pre-Recovery lives. I discovered the hard way, quite some time ago, that continuing to beat myself up for the way I … Continued

A New Tone and Direction…

– Michael, Pavillon Alumni I’m so grateful to be able to start my days by saying “Good morning God!” rather than “Good God, it’s morning!” ~ Vivian As is so often the case in life generally and especially in the realm of Recovery, word order–and emphasis–can radically change the upshot and meaning of just about … Continued

Good Luck with THAT

– Michael, Pavillon Alumni “‘Divorce’ the story, ‘marry’ the Truth.” ~Anonymous “I need to be on my own team.” ~W. J. I had a really weird thing happen to me this week. I went to a Meeting that I don’t normally attend (unusual); shared at said Meeting (usual). The next day, I’m at the gym … Continued

Growth vs. Stagnation

– Mary Christine Parks, LCSW, LCAS, CSI, We often speak of complacency as a major risk factor for relapse behavior. We get some distance from our consequences, our chaos stabilizes, PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) symptoms are fading and we think “I’ve got this”. But just like using an antibiotic, you have to take the … Continued

Tribal Transplant

– Marcus Shumate, LPC, LCAS, The topic of “tribalism” has been the topic de jour in various arenas of conversation over the last several months. The focus of these various conversations often appears directed towards discussing the dangers of tribalism. Perhaps it is a good idea to define terms and clarify what tribalism means in … Continued


– Michael, Pavillon Alumni “Never believe your own press.” — Said by many wise people under a multitude of varying circumstances. My Grand-Sponsor is very fond of saying that “for the addict in early Recovery, the ego is usually the first thing to get well.” This strikes an incredibly large and resonant chord for me … Continued

Substance Use Disorder- A Family Disease

– Chris Cox, STM, LPC, NCC, MAC, Fellow AAPC, Family Program Coordinator She rolled over and looked at the clock; it read 3:11AM.  She hadn’t been able to sleep because he still wasn’t home.  Worry, her life had been filled with worry.  She couldn’t remember her last night of good sleep, her last day without … Continued